Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April: So Far, Not So Good

I've had a virus for almost a week now- fever, congestion, post nasal drip, soar throat, cough, sneezing, you name it. I have no appetite, not even for coffee.  

That's how bad it is.  

My youngest daughters have fevers and coughs now, too.  The doctor tested for strep, but we're not that lucky.  It's viral. So we just get to suffer.

I also woke up this morning with a stomach bug. I won't go into details, but apparently, you can be sick in several different ways at the same time. 

Only two fifths of our family made it to church on Easter, my oldest daughter and my husband, three casts between the two of them.  

Notice all the durable medical equipment in the photo. We didn't place it there. That's just where it was when we snapped the photo.  

Needless to say, we are in the midst of a difficult season.   

Our dear friends from church, the Mccandless family-Tim, Robin, Katie and Matt, and Jean Semeraro, insisted on coming to visit even though we are so ill.  I have lost all confidence in the human immune system, so I wondered at their confidence. They brought dinner: roasted lamb, vegetables, ham, twice baked potatoes, homemade pies.  

My kids missed the egg hunt at church, so we had a makeshift egg hunt in the yard. Katie and Matt McCandless hid the eggs and then they proceeded to help the kids find them.  I bundled up to go outside and watch and wonder at how unobservant my kids are while coughing into my elbow.  

I take what joy I am given in life.  

We took a group photo before our guests went home.  I look like I am wearing a wet mop on my head and I was holding my breath the whole time so as not to breathe on Jean.

But I'm so thankful for our friends.  I cherish this photo.  My eyes are stinging with happy tears as I look at it.

I should probably take some more antihistamine.

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