Christmas Decorations
We decorated for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. We like to take the extra time we have around the Thanksgiving holiday to get the Christmas decorating done. Our Advent traditions include adding an ornament to the Christmas tree every night of December leading up to Christmas Day, so we like to have the set tree up for that before December even starts. I've got Christmas-themed pillows and blankets that come out only for this season. They make the cold days more comfortable. We keep our collection of Christmas books tucked away with the Christmas decorations in the attic. When these books come out of storage each year, the girls find them irresistible. Throughout December, the books stay under the tree, so we can all read them through the month of December (or as long as the tree stays up, which is sometimes through February!) My mom gave us a beautiful Christmas hat box a few years ago. We keep it near the tree, and it's the perfect place to store all those Christma