Wednesday, March 25, 2020

My Gethsemane

Christ in the garden teaches me that in this life, I may be asked to suffer precisely because I don't deserve to suffer. Mostly I suffer for my own choices. But sometimes, the cup set before me is filled with the consequences of other people's choices and if I choose those people, I must partake of the cup they poured, naturally. So I see the sinless Christ choosing others, drinking down the cup of suffering to its very dregs. He drank all of it, so He could have all of us. But first, He did pray, "If it is possible, take this cup from me..." And I am glad for that prayer, knowing He has been here before me. For sinful me, facing one drop of suffering that belongs to someone else is like drinking an ocean. But the kneeling Christ inspires me to choose others, reminds me, I am not alone in this, my Gethsemane.

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