This Time and Place
We're visiting Dwayne's mom at her home in Vero Beach. Mom has been in the hospital and rehab since Thanksgiving, so we've come to give Dwayne's sister a break and simply enjoy the time we have with mom. It's in the middle of our homeschool year, and we all have so many responsibilities, but as we order our lives, nothing is more important than being with mom right now.
What Grandma wants, she gets. She wanted snickerdoodle, so...
This crab lifted his claws as I came near to take his picture. I lost my nerve and ran away when the wave broke behind him and he came barreling towards my bare toes. I ran like a school girl.
I noticed how the water wrapped around itself and flowed back to the sea in the shape of a backbone. There were little and smaller backbones appearing all along the beach as the water got closer to the waves.
Look carefully, there's a crab.The girls enjoy more freedom now that they are older and so do we. They are not so hard to keep alive at the beach now, and we often can let them go and explore while we just sit and rest.
We're enjoying hours of quiet together as we often do when we are here. The ceiling fan clicks just like a clock, and we're all getting a lot of reading done.
I found this book at the thrift store here.
It's such a fitting read for this visit as we take the time to be in the same place as Grandma.
More than anything, Wendell Berry teaches me to be content and happy with being myself.
I'm just one particular creature relating to all the other particular creatures God has made me in relationship to.
I'm a dappled thing, strange and spare, and so are you, and praise God for dappled things.