Saturday, May 25, 2024

Herb Harvest

It was a lovely Saturday. Many loads of laundry were washed and folded and put away. We signed Avril up for a dual enrollment art history class for the fall and inventoried the classroom closest for all the art supplies she needs/ purchased any needed art supplies she didn't have. It was a lovely, sunny day, so we took the top off the Jeep and went out for burgers for lunch followed by more errands. We picked out paint color for the girls' bedrooms and bought a few more herb plants for the garden including chives and basil. We harvested and hung dill and thyme and mint to dry all around the kitchen. We had steaks from the grill and played Catan. Note: A game of Catan with dinner is a nightly ritual now. Now the girls are chatting and laughing and working together to complete a 3D creative bookend that they combined their own monies to buy. The house smells like fresh herbs, and for that, I am very thankful indeed. 

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