Sunday, September 29, 2024

Church Art Show- James

Our church has started a new sermon series through the book of James in the New Testament. 

Whenever there is a new sermon series, there is usually an art show, and the church asks for artwork from members that goes along with the theme and content of the series.

We always try to participate, but with the start of the homeschool year, things have been so busy, and I was uncertain as to whether we'd be able to contribute much if anything. 

We had to work right up to the deadline, but we pulled it together this weekend just before the deadline tomorrow. 

We worked as a family to illustrate several of the metaphors from the book of James.

Here are some pictures taken over the last few days. 

We are submitting these frames with drawings and paintings made with different medium all grouped together. 

I'm really thankful for a church that support the arts. 

As Christians who know and walk with the living God, we have so much to tell, and there just aren't enough words.

We need visual art, too. 

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