Thursday, May 3, 2012

We always participate in our library's summer reading program, but we never win any of the awesome prizes. Apart from the bag of free goodies we get for signing up for the program in the first place, we have never seen any reward for so many hours and hours of reading and diligently keeping track of it all. So we've decided to create our own summer reading program this year with rewards we agree upon as we go. The grand prize for 100 hours of reading will be a trip to Coco Key. And I'm taking Norah to Toys R' Us to get some ideas for the smaller prizes that she'll get along the way for 10, 25, 50 and 75 hours of reading. To keep track of Norah's hours, I used clip art to make the sheet of clocks you can see in the photo above. I can print it over and over again till we get to one hundred hours. Under my close supervision, I will let Norah color in the amount of minutes she reads till she fills up one hour on a clock and then goes on to the next. We think this custom reading program of ours will be lots of fun. Norah wants to start counting her minutes and getting credit for her reading right away and I think I'll let her.

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