Monday, August 25, 2014

Quick Visit to South Carolina

My husband Dwayne is getting his Masters Degree in Business Administration online from our alma mater Charleston Southern University.  He had one, mandatory meeting last Saturday on site, so we enjoyed a quick and I mean quick trip to South Carolina last weekend. 

We drove down Friday, stayed Saturday, and came all the way home again on Sunday. We listened to some C.S. Lewis on audio: The Weight of Glory and a portion of Mere Christianity.  I also did a lot of silent reading on my tablet while we were in the van. I finished the Wingfeather saga by Andrew Peterson, my nine year olds favorite books, and I started the Divergent series.  Note: Those are for me. My nine year old isn't reading those till she's much older.

Whenever we are in South Carolina, we usually stay at the Wingate by Wyndam on the CSU campus because it's close to my family and it is always nice to be on campus again. That's where my husband and I lived while in college, met, fell in love, worked during and after college, etc. This time, we visited the bookstore and got some CSu swag.

We went Chick-fil-a, of course. We don't have any Chick-fil-a in Connecticut as of right now, so we always eat it when we travel.  (One is being built about forty-five minutes from where we live, however, so I am already thinking of excuses to go to Brookfield once it opens.)

And we enjoyed visiting my parents and siblings for a whole day. We had breakfast together and then my mom and I swam in the hotel pool with the girls while Dwayne was in his meeting. My dad and brother came a little later and sat in the shade by the pool and visited until we all went our separate ways in the hot afternoon to cool off and let the kids nap. I forgot how hot it can be in the south. Then we got together again and had dinner enjoyed some time together at the hotel before bed.

Here's a photo of my kids with my mom and dad.  Notice my dad's hat. We bought him some CSU swag as well. 

My kids came home with tons of gifts: clothes, stuffed animals, school supplies, etc. as usual.  My family is very generous.  I love the life God has given us in Connecticut. We are confident the Lord has planted us where we are.  But sometimes, I really miss being closer to family.  It was a nice, albeit quick, visit. 

1 comment:

Dinie said...

I went there also. I used to work there last year too. Moved to Minnesota and I love it. Congrats on graduating. I hope my old colleagues treated you right. I loved the Chic-fil-a when it got built last year. A lot of things have changed on campus and God is at work.


Hooray!  Dwayne and I are going to Greece this summer!  We will be traveling with a group from our church to historic sites, especially thos...