Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dwayne said the store called and my camera is in. Ha! Figures! I found some measure of comfort in knowing that it wouldn't ready till I was ready for it. But, now it's not so easy. I have decided I will not go get it until I am caught up with my Bible reading. I will not. I will not. I will not. The Bible says, "Make no provision for the flesh." And, I think that applies to this situation. I am not going to make it harder on myself by having my new camera within reach. Are you crazy??!! Even I know my limits! So, my camera can wait at the store. Do you think I can finish 25 days worth of reading in one night? I guess we will see.

I'm brewing the coffee now.

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On Good Tools

 "For it is impossible or not easy for someone without equipment to do what is noble."  -Aristotle Dwayne bought me a nice, new po...