Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Month One Cleanse Results - May 2015

It's the end of May already!  My husband and I have completed our first month of nutritional cleansing.  I was weighed and measured at the gym the day before I started the program a month ago and I was weighed and measured again this morning at the gym, and in one month, I have lost 9 lbs. and 5% of my body fat.

I am loving the fat loss I am receiving from nutritional cleansing. My weight loss had stalled for two whole years even with a beautiful diet. This didn't bother me much, really, since I had reached, even exceeded my weight loss goals, and I could be as active as I wanted.

But then my energy levels took a nose dive.  I could hardly make it through my workouts.  I'd get dizzy and cold and shaky while I was teaching classes.

I needed carbs, I thought. I tried adding healthy carbs, but that didn't work for me.

I needed supplements, professionals and healthy, active friends told me. I bought bottles and bottles of supplements and things improved, but not enough.

Athletes I knew told me about nutritional cleansing. People I trust were using it. But I wasn't sure. The products appeared to be very processed and packaged.  I wanted to get everything I needed from whole foods.  I hesitated and I started eating even more spinach.

Then my gut started causing me pain almost every time I ate. I knew nutritional cleansing was known to help with inflammation like that, too.  So that's ultimately why I tried cleansing. I have had friends who have had serious problems with their guts and I wanted to avoid medication or surgeries.

After a month, the pain and inflammation in my gut is gone, I am losing fat again, and my energy levels are almost unbelievable.

Nothing will ever replace healthy, whole food in my life.  I still tell everyone that whole, healthy foods are the answer.  Healthy, whole food helped me lose 70 pounds in one year.  Healthy, whole food helped me maintain my healthy weight since then.  I thought healthy, whole foods would provide everything I needed. But fitness is a journey, after all. And I believe, as in all areas of life, truth can be found in balance.  Right now, I am trying to find that balance between whole foods and healthy supplements that provide the essentials things needed for being as active as I want to be.    

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