Saturday, June 20, 2020

Processing the Honey

We cut off chunks of comb that we wanted to keep whole and we stored those separately. I gave a piece of comb to my neighbor and another to our piano teacher.    

Then you slice off the caps of wax and let honey and wax roll down into the bucket.  Note the tarp. This is messy. 

Eventually, you scrap, scrap, scrap with spoons to get off more wax and honey, especially what remains around the edges of the frame.

The honey strains slowly, slowly down into the bucket. The bucket has a spout that we'll open in a day or two and let the raw honey pour into jars.  We'll keep the wax in a Tupperware to process it later. We'll use the wax for balms or candles later. The girls really want to make candles, since they've read about that in books.

We put the frame back into the hive and bees will eat any honey left on it and use any wax left behind, etc. Nothing gets wasted.

Sunlight shining through honey comb is one of the most Heavenly sights.

I promptly put a chunk of comb, wax and all, in some hot tea.

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