Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Avril is walking more often than she is crawling now. She's also climbing and bouncing and doing silly stuff, too, as you can see in these photos. Dwayne's parents are here to witness her antics and they are graciously helping with the kids while I recover from surgery.

Avril enjoys the breeze and a back scratch from Grandpa.

Grandma always packs lite so she has room for what she calls "essentials," the little gifts she brings for the kids like this book and the candy Norah's eating in the photo below.

I'd walk right past this box of edible jewelry in the store in favor of something more expensive or sophisticated, but Grandma's got a knack for seeing past "cheap" and picking out what her grandkids actually like. Norah just loves this gift.

Grandma also does little things to help while she is here, like repairing the board game boxes when she comes to town each year. If it weren't for her, we'd have lost this Candyland box years ago.

Dwayne patiently helps Norah situate her glow-in-the-dark galaxy stickers, another gift from Grandma. We all gathered in her room and offered the customary "Ew's" and "Ah's" when she turned out the lights for the first time.

And, the last few nights, Norah has been turning the lights on in her bedroom at least an hour before she goes to bed so her stickers can "charge." Grandma may just have to make a contribution toward the next light bill... or these stickers may just have to begin mysteriously disappearing one by one by one...

1 comment:

Lisa Boulden said...

Simon is addicted to his rubs, which started with Grandpa! Just wait till Avril starts wanting YOU to rub her. It's the first thing Simon asks Grandpa to do when we get to visit.


Hooray!  Dwayne and I are going to Greece this summer!  We will be traveling with a group from our church to historic sites, especially thos...