Saturday, June 21, 2014

Our Exercise Room

Our exercise room is quickly becoming my favorite room in my house. 

Note: This used to be a bedroom and we don't want to take the time and expense to paint, so that's why it's pink.  We'd also have to miss at least a few workouts to paint and I am not interested in missing any workouts right now. I am having too much fun in here. 


We have a table set up with speakers so my husband or I can just put our laptops on the table, plug in our speakers, and play our workouts with loud music.  FYI- My dad built that table. The closet door has been removed for the chin up bar and the closet holds some fitness equipment, but it mostly holds books and books and books on a few small shelves we have been able to fit in there.  My girls like to use it as an informal book nook when I am not in here, so I put a few pillows on the closet floor for them, too. 

This corner cabinet was a gift from Dwayne's parents. It's been in a few different places in our home since we've had it, but it is perfect for storing all the little things like gloves, waters, tissues, etc.  so it will probably live in here from now on.  Note that I have a little stool with my diffuser on it.  I like to diffuse essential oils when I do yoga, stretch, etc.  It's so nice and encourages me to breathe deeply.   

Here's a pre-workout picture.  I did Bodypump 90 at home today. I am trying to learn it so I can use it in any classes I get to teach.  Today I also did forty-five minutes of step aerobics and then an hour of Bodybalance.  Note: I took breaks in between to care for my kids, make meals, clean, visit with my husband, etc.  But I really do love to exercise, so it was nice to do so much today. 


At this point, I am squatting 60 lbs.  It isn't easy, but I can manage it and I think my range of motion and form are still correct, so I do it.  I still use the bar and weights I got with my Beachbody Pump DVDs, but I have been getting stronger and also the last two Bodypump releases have required the use of loose plates in addition to the barbell, so I recently bought more weights. 

This is what the room looks like right after a Bodypump workout.  I am usually too busy going from one track to another to organize the weights, etc. 

This verse means a lot to me, so I wrote it out and my little girls colored it for me.  The Lord is the one who motivated me to get healthy in the first place, the one who gave me the strength to discipline myself and lose over seventy pounds in a year, and He is the one who still motivates me to pursue even greater levels of fitness.  He's my coach who trains me how to train others.   

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