Monday, May 11, 2020

Mothers Day 2020

The day started with coffee and my devotion in 1 and 2 Samuel.

I read a little more of Perelandra

We had breakfast then watched church online while I cut out flannel board figures and the girls sketched.

After church, Dwayne took me to buy a large unsweet tea with extra ice from Dunkin Doughnuts, and flowers, the kind you plant. 

My brother and sister in law live right next to the nursery, so we took her some flowers and cards the girls had made and an anniversary gift. Their anniversary is coming up. 

We came home and had leftovers for lunch and I snuck downstairs to my recliner and read from The Consequences of Ideas and worked on my current essay for the Circe Apprenticeship. 

I took a nap or "I let a nap take me," as CS Lewis would say. 

I don't think I can sit in that chair without falling asleep.  

Then I put on my gardening gloves and got to planting.  

All the pots, flower boxes, and hanging baskets on all four decks are done!  

Then I cleaned up the decks and then myself and then Dwayne and I went out to pick up dinner. 

All the fancy places had too long of a wait, so we drove up to Five Guys and brought burgers, dogs, and fries home to eat with the girls at the table.  

I ate fries all the way home. 

I had a cold beer with my burger.  

Then we decided to clean up the kitchen and watch Prince Caspian, inspired by a Mothers Day card my middle daughter made me.  (See picture below.)  

Finally, I went to bed reading more of Perelandra.  

It was a lovely Mothers Day.  

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