Friday, July 24, 2020

Redeeming My Education

I'm preparing to direct Challenge 3 next year, so I'm working through Apologia's Chemistry text ahead of time.

I got to the part in Module 3 where I had to solve for frequency and/or wavelength, etc.

That necessitated knowing how to divide exponents, some of which are negative.

That necessitated relearning exponents using my Understanding Mathematics texts.

I also had to relearn how to divide with decimals, and use scientific notation and a scientific calculator.

There were tears and at one or two points, there was total despair.

I put my face in my hands, and cried out to God, and prayed, and questioned everything, especially my calling to direct Challenge 3.

Credit to my husband for helping and really struggling with me. It wasn't easy for him, either.

I worked for hours and we talked about the concepts all day and now I can say, I've got it.

I think.

I learned a lot of math today, but I learned some deeply personal lessons, too.

I know how to solve for frequency and wavelength with and without a calculator.

I learned that I'm tougher and smarter than I thought.

I also learned that I'm weak enough to question homeschooling over a difficult math concept. It really got to that point for a few moments when I couldn't see my way and that's really humbling.

But praise God, I did it!

Next time my daughter lacks faith or is struggling, I'll have some fresh grace to give her, because of this struggle/ victory.

Glory to God for helping me surmount what seemed insurmountable.

I begin to wonder what all I can do with my brain if I am just willing to wrestle long enough.

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