We ran out of salt water for Norah's hermit crabs today. Last time we needed salt water, I just made it myself. But today, I made Norah mix one teaspoon of salt water conditioner to one cup of spring water to make the solution. Using 1/2 a teaspoon, she had to double that to get enough of the conditioner in each cup.
Later, I walked by her room and caught her counting and sorting her money from largest to smallest value. As she saw me pass, she asked how many cents a dime was worth just to be sure she was right.
She reads chapter books like this every day. These are the ones I found on her bedside table today, so she might be in the process of reading more than one, actually. And when she finishes a book, she always claims it's the best book yet and runs in to tell me the plot beginning to end. I give her a few minutes of my attention and dialogue with her about the book. She has no idea she's doing an "oral book report."
Late in the afternoon, Avril found a craft in a book and asked Norah to help her with it meaning she pointed at it and said, "Baby! Help me? Make a ha-me?" Norah gathered what they needed to make these shark puppets and built one for each of them.
That's only a sampling of the kind of stuff she does when we don't do lessons and the television is off. I think she'll be just fine without "school" for a few weeks. Of course, we'll start up again when the baby is settled and I've recovered.
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