Monday, January 25, 2021

Family Read Alouds

We finished all the last book of The Wingfeather Saga the other evening.  We usually only read one chapter each night, but once we got towards the end of the last book, we pushed through by reading several chapters one Sunday evening in front of the fire. It was lovely. And we were all crying and smiling, of course. We had read this series before when our oldest, seen reading to her sisters in the picture above, was a little girl.  So the two youngest daughters did not remember the story it was so long again. Therefore, we read it again.  Now we have moved on to the book A Wheel on the School.  We have read that, too, but again, we read it so long ago that no one, including us, really remembers the details.  The stories matter, of course.  They give us pictures and demonstrations of truth, goodness, and beauty to hold in our minds and hearts.  But even when you don't remember all the details, the memories of reading with family burn brightly and can warm your heart for years.  

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