Saturday, October 15, 2022

Simple, Good Things To Do

It was the most beautiful fall day in Connecticut. The sun was gentle, bright, and warm and the leaves are at peak color. 

I left early and attended a Women's Conference at my friend's church until the afternoon. It was nice to be with my friend all day and share two meals together. I saw a few other friends as well, which was a nice surprise, since I wasn't expecting to know anyone else at the conference.   

Dwayne took the girls to our church's Pumpkin Festival in the early afternoon. Avril volunteered at the pumpkin painting table for a few hours. Adele is still young enough to enjoy the games and activities with the other kids. She actually painted a pumpkin at her big sister's craft table. Dwayne talked to some of the dads and pastors there while the girls were busy.  

Later, when we were all back at home, we all went to Sycamore's for dinner. It's one of our favorite, local places. We usually sit at the exact same table and order the exact same things including a basket of fries to share, burgers or egg salad sandwiches, respectively, and one or two root beer floats with massive balls of vanilla ice cream on top as seen in the photo above. 

We would be passing the grocery store on the way home, and I usually do my shopping on Saturdays, but since I was at the conference, I couldn't today, so I asked if we could all just run inside together. I had already planned our meals for this week yesterday, so the list was ready, and it happened to be quite short, since I already have on hand most of what I need for the meals I am making. The girls don't usually shop with us, so oddly enough, that was a rare treat for all of us. Naturally, they talked us into a few purchases we weren't planning and don't usually make, but that was fun and just fine. 

After unloading the groceries, Dwayne and I talked to our oldest daughter who is away at college on the phone while the girls played Minecraft on the tv downstairs. Screen time is very, very, very limited in our house, so this might actually be the first time they've played Minecraft in months. Now the girls are upstairs reading aloud to one another while Dwayne and I sit in front of the fire. 

It was a lovely, fall Saturday in New England. The Lord is good to us. We find the simple, good lives we get to live, the simple, good things we get to do, quite fulfilling. 

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