Sunday, December 25, 2011

The girls played with the kitchen first thing. While Dwayne made real food for breakfast, the girls made pizza, fried chicken, omelets and doughnuts...

Norah was the unofficial "opener" of the gifts that Avril couldn't manage. Norah didn't mind the job and Avril didn't mind the help.

"Parents not included." What they don't tell you on the package is that will have to participate when the girls make food because they need someone to taste it all.

After breakfast, we read the Christmas story from the book of Luke in the Bible.

The girls pose with all the gifts their "grand neighbors" (the couple across the street) gave them. Yes. Our neighbors are amazing.

Aunt Michelle and other family members sent money (Thank you!) and crowns.

Mommy and Daddy added a playground to our dollhouse collection. Avril was excited that this package has even more "ruffs" because you can never have enough "ruffs" in the dollhouse.

Avril hugs a snowman sippy-cup she got in her stocking. She has a thing for cute sippy-cups.

She also got a pair of winter house shoes that she insisted her dad put on her right away.

More stocking joy.

Uncle Donnie sent Legos sets galore. This post would be three times longer if I had taken pictures of them all. No kidding. But, we saved the big pirate ship for last. Norah was blown away! I told her we had to wait and clear an ample amount of space to work on it.

My family also sent Avril this big set of Graco baby accessories. This gift could not have been more perfectly timed for her age and interests.

Two thumbs up!

Norah ran and got Avril's baby for her and Avril went right to work.

The little mother is taking her baby for a walk.

Norah played with her new Nintendo DS game Princess Peach first. (Let's be honest. I bought this game for myself, too, so I plan to play it some later, too.) Avril played with her babies and went back to the kitchen, then back to her babies... Now both girls are downstairs under their fleece snuggies the neighbor's bought watching a Frosty DVD.

The plan is to do Yahtzee and start building the Lego ship after we have a late lunch. Thanks again, family. In the way of gifts, this was the best Christmas we've ever had thanks to your generosity.

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Hooray!  Dwayne and I are going to Greece this summer!  We will be traveling with a group from our church to historic sites, especially thos...