Sunday, December 18, 2011

I made Norah a flannel nightgown this evening. It's getting easier and easier to sew. (I am sure that is mainly due to the fact that I am using the same pattern over and over again.)

Norah really likes her nightgown, but she did end up complaining after a while that the armpits were "tight." I think that means that this pattern size might not fit her and that I should use a larger pattern size on her next time.

I suspected that the size I chose might end up being too small when I started, but pattern sizes tend to turn out much larger than their numbers suggest they will. For example, Avril wears 3T in store bought clothes, but she wears (and has plenty of room left over in) a size 2 pattern... but it might not be the same for Norah. I am still learning how to measure my kids and then pick the best size that works for them. You know, "trial and error" and "experience is the best teacher" and "practice makes perfect" and all that.

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