Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Norah finally finished Zanier Bloser Handwriting K. What you see above is all that was left of her book before I threw it away.

She started this book way back in April of '09. I guess it's obvious by now, almost two years later, that I was in no particular hurry to get Norah through this book. Norah was a little young when we started the book anyway, so I didn't feel the need to rush.

But, I am still surprise that it took us almost two years to complete it. I think I will need to be more diligent and assign a handwriting page from her new book every. single. day. if I want Norah to finish her new book, Zanier Bloser Handwriting 1, and start cursive by this coming fall... which is what I had in mind.

I should say that when Norah wasn't doing a page in this book, she did other things for school that practiced her handwriting skills like copying sentences from her reading, writing answers in her math book or making greeting cards for friends and neighbors. So, I felt that there was no need to drill handwriting, doing a page out of the book every day in addition to that, and turn it into something that felt more like a chore.

All in all, I am very pleased at how well Norah's printing has progressed since we started this book. Her printing looks really good for a six year old, I think. And, taking things as slow as we did means she doesn't hate handwriting, which is good.

Here are the pictures of her post test, the last lesson of her book.

You can compare those photos with the photo of her pretest (taken in April of '09) and see how much her writing has improved (and how much she has grown!!!) since then.

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