Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Better late than never, right? I gave this gingerbread kit to the girls in their Christmas stocking but we just got around to doing it today (meaning that I just now got around to talking myself into letting the girls make a hug mess while I sit by and just watch and smile through the pain and bite my knuckles till it's all over.) I think this must make me a horrible mom, but this kind of thing is painful for me. I dislike crafts, especially messy, sticky ones. But the girls had fun and they don't seem to resent the fact that I was so slow about making this happen, thankfully.

1 comment:

David or Linda said...

Well, I'm really far away AND I didn't have to clean the kitchen after, but from where I sit it looks really awesome! Besides, EVERYONE was doing gingerbread houses back then. It was So Cliche'. Now it's trendy!

On Good Tools

 "For it is impossible or not easy for someone without equipment to do what is noble."  -Aristotle Dwayne bought me a nice, new po...