Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bodycombat Certification- I passed!

I opened my email this morning and Surprise! I passed my Bodycombat assessment video! Now I am certified!  I shouted for joy. The Bodycombat certification process was definitely harder for me than the Bodypump certification process.

Before going to Bodypump training, I did Bodypump for a long time at home with the Pump DVDs, taught a freestyle barbell class for a while, and took Bodypump classes.  It's not a ton of experience, but it was definitely more than I had with Bodycombat and it helped. 

With Bodycombat, I did the Bodycombat DVD that came the Pump DVDs several times, but I only ever went to one or two live classes before training. So I had almost no experience in the format before I went. That lack of experience made the whole process from initial training to video much harder. 

And even though I am certified now, I still have so much to improve on before I feel really confident with Bodycombat.  But I am grateful to be given the "pass" that will allow me to start the journey!

My goal right now it is improve my fitness, my technique, and when I am given the opportunity to teach, to always do it well enough that I wouldn't mind coming to my own class if I were a participant.

Now I also get to download and learn the next release!  Yay! 

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