Saturday, December 17, 2016

Our First Snow

We had our first real snow in the new house. 

We built a snowman and tried out the sledding down our driveway and all the different inclines in our yard. There is not one single place to just let the kids go.  So Norah and I took the little girls down in turns, because she and I can steer and stop whenever necessary.

We went for a little walk to the creek and we admired the various winter scenes.  Norah enjoyed blowing on snow-covered lichen and watching the snow melt off. "It's like spring happening in a time elapsed video," Norah said. And it was. 

The girls also enjoyed dropping snow balls into the stream and watching them soak up water.  

We came back to the house after what seemed like hours. We we're all muscle and bone tired, and very hungry.  I had been tending to dinner on and off all afternoon, so it was ready in a few minutes.  

Now we are all fed, and dry and warm. The girls are playing quietly nearby as I type this and notice how very sore I am as I continue to yawn.  It's time to curl up in bed and hope I can keep my eyes open to finish the last part of "Words of Radiance" by Brandon Sanderson.  

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