Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Man. I wanted two cookies. I thought they were both mine..."

"Norah, there were only two cookies. You get one. I get one. That's what's fair."

She's thinking... Chewing...

"I know! You can go get two more cookies and then... we'll both have two! That's fair, too."


Donnie Evans II said...

You know, you just might have to bow to that kinda logic in the near future, Renee...

Melissa said...

Hello! I am new to blogging but am having SO much fun. I came across yours by accident and thought your girls are very cute! I have two little girls as well. I like your blog. Your entries are short but sweet and interesting as well.I hope you don't mind if I follow you?

Let Them Bake Cake!

Adele's reading "A Gathering of Days" for our homeschool right now. She came across a cake recipe in the book that she wanted ...