Thursday, April 9, 2020

Adele's Eighth Birthday

Adele turned eight today.  

We crowned her the a wreath of flowers. Crowns are a new tradition on birthdays. 

She helped me make her cake, french vanilla with vanilla icing.  

The cake was a disaster, which was my fault. I ran out of store-bought icing and had no powdered sugar to make more. We are in quarantine, so we are generally avoiding stores.

So I decided to use brown sugar, which created a kind of marshmallow fluff icing that seemed to continue expanding and oozing down the cake.

But Adele was thrilled with it, truly.  I kept looking for signs of disappointment. There were none.  In fact, the whole family liked the cake and said they wanted it again!!?? I think it might be that any cake is welcome here full stop.

Like we did for Avril's quarantine birthday, we gave Adele Legos sets that morning right after chores, just three boxes unwrapped that she could open and start working on right away.

So we all helped put together Legos all day. Those are the best days. Something about Legos allows me to be at leisure.   

Her birthday Lego sets included a car big enough for Lego Friends, a concert stage, and two carnival rides.  Legos are so much cooler than they used to be back when I was eight.

As usual, Adele came over and sat on my lap after dinner while Norah read to us out of our current read aloud.  She's eight, so I begin to wonder how much longer will she sit on my lap? Answer: As long as she wants to!

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