This is a picture of my "to do" list for this holiday week and the reason I may not blog for a few days. And, this is just the stuff I had to write down so that I would remember! It doesn't even mention the more obvious things like "nurse the baby" and "answer the telephone." Notice I've crossed out most of what's on Monday and Tuesday and if I continue to stay on schedule, I'll get it all done and right on time. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
"...the child should have a set time everyday to read for fun. Begin with half an hour for first graders, and build up to an hour of reading time daily... This is an important part of the child's education: it improves his reading skills, teaches him the habit of sitting still with a book, and reminds him that reading is fun... free reading ought to be spent on literature at or slightly below the child's present reading level so that he can simply enjoy himself. The easier reading will help him increase his speed." The Well Trained Mind: The Guide to Classical Education at Home by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer