Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Finally! I finally finished reading Mr. Popper's Penguins out loud! I am so embarrassed to admit that I started reading it to the girls back in August, but with the pregnancy, I lost all interest in reading aloud for several months. It felt like such a chore. The girls liked the story, but I bet it won't surprise you when I admit I didn't like it that much. That made it even harder to bring myself to read. But, now, we're finally done with it.

Now, we're listening to The Cricket in Times Square before bed every night and it is great. It's a perfect book to follow our recent trips to New York City. The book mentions the subway, Times Square, Chinatown, news stands... all sites Norah became familiar with on our visits to the city. It's a very charming book.

Due to my most recent, most terrible read aloud performance with Popper's Penguins, I think I will stick to audio books for a while. I don't want the girls to continue to miss out on great stories because I am not always inclined to read them out loud.

In this picture, Norah's listening to The Cricket in Times Square before bed.

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