Saturday, April 12, 2014

Walnut Hill Easter Run/ Walk 2014

I ran in the Walnut Hill Easter Run Walk today. 

Running this 5K was a very significant goal for me last year, but I wasn't sure I wanted to run it again this year.

However, I think I'll be asked to run at least a few miles outside during my upcoming Bodypump Initial Training in May, so I thought it might be a good idea to put myself under some pressure and see how well I can do.

And I think it was also a nice way to mark any improvement from last year. I haven't been running that much, so I didn't know what to expect. 

My official time was 28:37 today.  That means my time has improved almost ten minutes since last year! (Last year I ran it in 37:54.)   

This year, my oldest daughter did the fun kid's fun run, too.  The photo above shows us in front of the finish line.

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