Sunday, March 8, 2009

I shudder to think I'll be one of those parents, the ones who try to relive their life through their children, the kind who get thrown out the stands at T - ball games for harassing the referees or worse, those who do the jazz routines along with their dancers from their place in the stands. As much as I want Norah to succeed, I hope she will not feel any undue pressure from me to preform for the both of us.

But, I must admit, I do live vicariously through my daughter in one lil' way: her wardrobe. I love to buy and see her in those adorable sun dresses I know my arms are way too chubby to pull off these days. And, the pants pictured above, I am not sure I would ever wear them, but I'd certainly like to be able to wear them, you know... if I wanted to.

But, alas, Norah's the only one in our family who can pull off an outfit like this. She loves it when I let her pick out her own clothes for the day. If she had her way, she'd wear hot pants everyday and furry, pink boots with everything.

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Hooray!  Dwayne and I are going to Greece this summer!  We will be traveling with a group from our church to historic sites, especially thos...