Monday, July 11, 2011

My Resolutions for 2011.
I have approx. six months left in this year. (So do you, in fact.) Therefore, I thought I'd stay serious about my goals and even add three new goals to the top of my list... God help me.

Run a 5k.
I have signed up for the Ninantic Bay Half Marathon and 5K. It's going to be at one of my favorite state parks, Rocky Neck. I am using this plan to train. I've been getting up early and running before Dwayne leaves for work, often before he or anyone else is even out of bed. Running sucks, but it's the cheapest, most convenient way to get the exercise I desperately need. I am also hoping it actually helps me lose weight.

Follow Fly Lady's Flight Plan every single day.
I was following Fly Lady's cleaning schedule everyday for a while and my house started to look really great, but I eventually stopped and now my house is starting to look cluttered and surfaces are looking dirty again. It's time to get back on her bandwagon.

Mend my quilts.
I have two matching twin quilts that go on the two matching twin beds in our guest room downstairs. They are fairly new quilts, but they've been washed so many times now (after each guest leaves) that they are ragged. I'd like to get them mended by the end of the year. I plan to take my needle and thread downstairs and keep it close to the television, but still out of Avril's reach. I plan to work on this project while I watch movies on our new television (because I know I'll probably be watching alot of movies on it in the next few weeks).

Let Norah play outside
We're all spending at least a few hours a day outside right now. I'm going to take a hard look at what I'd like to do this summer (especially in regards to nature study) and I want to make some plans for activities to do in the next few weeks.

Read through the entire Bible.
I'm still on track with this plan.

I really yearn for more time in God's presence, but I find that I need to be deliberate to make the time. So, I am thinking that I'll forgo watching any Hulu this week and try and spend time worshiping and praying with that free time instead.

Read one book every month.
I haven't had much time to read in the past week (unless you count the books I have read to Avril). I still have a few pages of Oliver Twist to finish and I am reading Kon Tiki by Thor Hyerdhal and King's Cross by Tim Keller. If I finish all those books within July, I will be back on track to read one book each month this year.

Eat fruit and vegetables
I've been thinking about a food's nutritional content before I decide to eat it. This is keeping me away from a lot of junk (but not all of it). I am making more smoothies from fresh fruits and vegetables and I am eating fruit when I find myself really hungry in between meals. I am still consuming way too much artificial sweetener and caffeine. I'm thinking seriously about giving them up entirely. Maybe I will talk myself into putting that on this list at some point in the future.

No late night eating.
If I snack after dinner, I am eating fruit or veggies. Last night, while Dwayne and I watched a movie on our new television, I folded clothes and had a bowl of red grapes. I won't tell you what Dwayne had in his bowl. I don't like the fact that I had a snack, but with Dwayne's bowl in mind, I feel really good about my grapes.

Be consistent in the garden.
I have almost finished weeding and mulching the entire garden for the third time this year. I keep imagining a reality where I catch the weeds before they grow so numerous, but I am doing the best I can with this reality. I am managing to get the weeds before they overtake my garden and I have to say, that's much better than it was this time last year.

Stop talking in bed.
I've stopped talking and I am focusing on other things in bed. I am trying to live by the verses 1 Corinthians 7:4-5. (Look them up for yourself if you want to know.) But, you know that feeling you get when someone offers you a piece of cherry pie after you've just had a home cooked meal topped off with a warm brownie and ice cream? That's the feeling I want Dwayne to get when/ if some woman, any woman, even Pamela Anderson ever gives him the eye.

Go to be early.
This is getting easier since I am staying away from caffeine after dinner and since I am getting up early to run and since I am working in the garden...

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Hooray!  Dwayne and I are going to Greece this summer!  We will be traveling with a group from our church to historic sites, especially thos...