Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Next week we're doing another installment of "Camp Boulden!"

At the beginning of the summer, I started making tentative plans to go to theme parks and aquariums and museums. After all, it was summer and it was time to have some fun! But, I quickly realized we didn't really have any extra money to devote to that kind of entertainment with the prices of gas and admissions and lunches eaten at fast food places, etc.

So I started looking for ways to have fun without spending a small fortune. I decided to focus on outdoor activities that will allow us to enjoy the sunshine and revel in the heat since both of those things will soon disappear again for six months. I also decided to make these "camp" schedules so I could prepare for the days ahead of time so I could make sure they really happen. I am calling this endeavor "Camp Boulden!"

Here's some of what the upcoming week will include:

Swimming at Washington Park at least two days next week, maybe three.
One day of swimming and nature study at the river.
Painting with water colors every afternoon.
Reading aloud from A Dog Called Kitty after dinner every night.
One board or card game every night before bed.

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Hooray!  Dwayne and I are going to Greece this summer!  We will be traveling with a group from our church to historic sites, especially thos...