Saturday, May 17, 2014

I was offered a job subbing Bodypump!

This morning, I went to a local gym for a job interview/ audition for a position on their staff that will allow me to train as a Bodypump instructor and I was offered the job!

When I told my sister that I was going in for the interview and audition a few days ago, she asked, naturally, "Are they interviewing a lot of people?"  Her question made me laugh out loud because that is when I realized that I was the only one being interviewed.  And I had the interview because I had called the gym and asked if they needed an instructor and I had kept calling until I got the interview.

Thankfully, my new boss was glad I had done this and she complimented my persistence in seeking out the job. She said to look up her favorite quote by Woodrow Wilson and I think I found it.

"Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

I am definitely persistent! When I get an idea in my head that won't go away, I usually take that as a sign that the Lord wants the idea to be there.  I am pretty constantly praying and committing my plans to God, so I feel confident He will make His will abundantly clear one way or another. 

On the way home from the interview/ audition, this song came on and when I heard the lyrics, I just sang my heart out.

The lyrics say-

King of Heaven in humility, I bow
As Your love
In wave after wave
Crashes over me, crashes over me
For You are for us
You are not against us
You make me brave
You called me out beyond the shore into the waves

I definitely felt so humble and thankful to have the opportunity, like the Lord was really for me and sending another wave of His love crashing over me.  He has sent many waves of love over my life this past year and a half!

It has been His great love that helped me lose over seventy pounds, rediscover that really love exercise, rediscover that I really love teaching group fitness classes, and discover that the job is more than an idea I had, but something the Lord actually means for me to do. That belief, more than anything, makes me go for it, be brave like the song says, and work really hard at it.

Next, I am looking forward to getting experience team teaching with an instructor who has been teaching Bodypump since release #46, if I remember what she said right.  I will be filming my assessment video within the next few weeks! I'll keep you posted on my Bodypump journey as it goes.

If you are reading this and you love Bodypump, too, please feel free to comment. I'd love to know who you are and where you are from and get to know other Bodypump lovers out there.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...



Hooray!  Dwayne and I are going to Greece this summer!  We will be traveling with a group from our church to historic sites, especially thos...