Saturday, January 17, 2009

H is for Hat

Norah's current lessons are covering some of our most celebrated, identifiable presidents. On the day we covered Abraham Lincoln, we made a simple top hat that he is famous for wearing. She had fun wearing it during the lessons and a little later, for dress up... until it ripped apart.

This was as simple as it looks to make. I cut the shape of a top hat and two eight inch strips out of a piece of black construction paper. Then, I stapled the two strips to the front of the hat, fitted the strips to Norah's head briefly, then stapled the strips together before I let her slide it on. The hat didn't last long, but I didn't mind that because it will be so easy to make again, if Norah ever wants another one to play with.

1 comment:

gina said...

Shaye is fascinated with all things president these days. She has decided she wants to be the youngest president ever- she's going to run in the first election held after she's old enough... and a cook. Because she can do both.


I'm co-teaching a Bible study on Nehemiah for this winter term for the weekly women's Bible study at my church.  I'm very excite...