Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Living here in Connecticut, you have to accept the sun on its terms. We had one day I'd call "hot" earlier this month and one free hour in our afternoon schedule, so I dragged out the Slip and Splash, lathered my pale children with sunscreen and we worshiped the true God of the sun by laughing and enjoying His creation in our backyard.

Avril wears the new swim-digs Aunt Michelle got her. God willing, in a little more than fifteen years, I can get another photo of her sun bathing and be able to compare the two pictures. If all goes as I plan, the bathing suit she wears then will have more, rather than the same or God forbid, even less fabric. ...I shudder to think.

We use a spray nozzle set on hold to turn our slide into a water slide. Norah slides down it to get up to speed. And, I sacrificed myself to take this photo. The second after I clicked it, Norah hit that pool of water and drenched me.

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