Friday, June 26, 2009

A good friend of mine said she firmly believes kids "should be able to name the plants in their own backyard." Her comment got me to thinking that I don't even know the names of some of the flowers I've planted in my own garden! After that, I came upon quite a few blogs who were participating in the 100 Species Challenge. This sounds like it may be fun, not to mention useful.

I hate not knowing the answer to Norah's questions about the things we see. And, even though this exercise will be more work for me than it will be for her right now, it may allow me to head off some the questions she will, no doubt, keep asking about the plants we see. And, I'll get better at identifying plants, something I'll need to be able to do with ease once Norah is old enough to ask me to teach her how.

I am not going to follow the official rules, since I will be including plants on our hiking trails and also reptiles, insects, etc. But, I thought I'd credit the source of my idea, nonetheless.

If you'd like to see my list of species, you can click here.

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