Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Sundays Are For Commonplacing


As I read, I highlight my favorite quotes. 

And then, once a week or as often as I can, I like to copy these quotes into a Commonplace book. 

I actually find Sunday afternoons a perfect time for doing this. 

Sundays are for worship and rest. 

And commonplacing is a restful activity that nourishes my mind and spirit. 

The Commonplace Book shown above is not my current commonplace book, but I'm looking forward to using it once the brown, leather journal I am using right now is totally full. 

This last Sunday I spent an hour copying quotes from Ourselves by Charlotte Mason. 

I have so many highlights from that book in particular I think I may be copying from it for several weeks! 

But taking the time to copy the words helps me meditate on the truth of them, digest them, and make them a part of myself and my life. 

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