Monday, August 1, 2011

While I read and look up things online and make plans for the next school year, the girls sit next to me on the couch. Norah reads and holds the books so that Avril sees the pages and every now and then, Norah talks to Avril about things Avril points to. All the while, Avril feeds and kisses her baby doll and Avril rests her chilly, little feet on Norah's long legs for warmth. They make a beautiful picture, so I get my camera.

I am very aware of the Lord's presence with us at that moment. I'm waiting on the results of my dad's x rays. I have reason to be anxious, but I'm not. I'm not anxious at all and it makes me wonder. I feel an overwhelming peace, so much peace that I pause and look up from what I am doing. It's almost like joy is being poured into the room from above our heads. I wonder about it. The Scripture below pops into my mind, so I look it up.

Is God singing over us?! I think He may being singing over us right now. Because it really feels as if God may actually be singing over us right now!! I close my eyes and smile.

I think about our home. It's a peaceful one, usually. I thank God for that. I know God is always with us because of my faith in His Son. He brings His presence and we dwell there. We aren't living in a home as much as we are dwelling in His presence. We get to enjoy the priceless gifts of peace and joy here because God is here with us.

"For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with singing."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally believe God can and does sing over us. He loves us so very much.

The picture of your girls is heart warming. Isn't homeschooling the best!!

My DD is 14 now. I miss her as a toddler, but she is growing into such a fine young lady.

We are getting ready to begin another year of homeschooling. We have been at it since she was in about the third grade. She is "Miss Independent". Good thing we use an online curriculum (Time4Learning). She works mostly on her own.

Best wishes on a successful year of schooling and loads of fun.

My Attempt at Blogging


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