Processing Beeswax
Also, the capped honey that was there was covered in light layer of whitish-grey-green mold, and there was definite evidence that the uncapped honey underneath the capped honey was fermenting. (There were bubbles in the uncapped honey and it had a subtle, but rank smell.)
I did not see how to get the capped honey out without #1 mixing it with the mold and/or #2 mixing it with the uncapped, fermenting honey.
For those reasons, I didn't want to take the trouble to save the little honey left and/ or risk eating contaminated honey.
Note: When I'm more experienced in beekeeping, I know I may learn more and find that I could have processed the honey and eaten it without risk, but I don't feel confident that I can do that at this point in my experience.
We aren't saving the wax on the old frames for the new bees, either, because I am using a different hive design in future. Right now, I use a Layens hive. In future, I am going to try a traditional Langstroth.
So there is no way of reusing the frames.
But I can and will use the processed, cleaned-up wax to melt and paint onto the new frames in order to help the new bees draw those frames with new wax.
And/ or I can make homemade beeswax candles for gifts like I did last year.
Outside, near the waterhose and over peagravel where it is proper to make a mess and easy to clean up, I pulled all the honey and wax off the twelve, large Layers frames and into this large, old Tupperware. Then I carefully, carefully brought the Tupperware into my spare bathroom shower. I added water from the shower, and I am soaking the wax in batches of water to clean it. Every day (or every other day), I carefully, carefully drain the dirty water through a fine, metal, mesh strainer and add new water, not allowing any wax out of the strainer/ into the shower. Even a small amount of wax could melt and coat/ clog the pipes.
I get out a large-mouth, plastic cup and line it with a white trouser sock, then I stuff the sock with wax, carefully, not getting wax on the counter. If I do get wax on the counter, I clean it with Chlorox wipes and elbow grease. I am careful to move this bucket into the sink and wash wax off my hands off over this bucket with running water only, so no wax goes down the sink either.
I tie a knot in the sock and put it in a crock pot specifically set aside for this purpose. Note: You can't cook in a crock pot once you've used it to process wax. So get a small crock pot from the thrift store for this purpose. I add water to the bottom, turn on the heat, and put the lid on.